Campus Life




academic staff


total staff



Our university,
educational and health institutions across Turkey with
36 offers internships and job opportunities to their students.



Baskent University Library is an important center for education and research which provides necessary information and sources for its users.The library is located on 12500 m2 area.The circulation desk is on the ground floor. The periodicals are on the second floor and every floor has study desks for students.The library can handle approximately 1627 people at the same time. The library network works on SirsiDynix Automation System which can serve 77 user at the same time. The automation system holds a database of all the library material.Users may search the material by entering keywords and then reach the material of their choice. (Classified by subject) Also the circulation process is realized by computer system. The system produces automatic reports for late turn-arounds


Electronic Databases
Catalogue Search

Student Affairs

The determination and monitoring of Success Scholarships granted to our students who display extraordinary performance is carried out by the Directorate.

The Directorate of Student Affairs administers the qualified preparation of, keeping and conveying to related units,  all kinds of academic and administrative document of the students from enrollment to graduation. It conducts the procedures of preparing final registration for new students, registration renewals, course enrollments, disenrollment, suspend registration, disciplinary actions, student grades, student I.D. card, graduation procedures,  applications for special talent test, applications for lateral transfers and transfers within the university, all kinds of student related documents, and keeping the students personal files active.

Student Registrar's Office
Academic Calenders

Health, Nutrition, Housing, Transportation

Health, Nutrition, Housing, Transportation


hour ambulance


food-beverage service




from different point


transportation service

Student Dormitories

Purpose  Built in 1996, our dormitories aim to provide our students with accommodation, food services and the opportunity to study in a...

Food and Beverage

Başkent University serves its students through various dining halls and cafeterias that are located on its different premises. The modern “Teras...


Transportation to Başkent University Besides private cars, you can use our service or public buses to visit our campus. Our service buses provide services...

Health Services

The Student Health Center in the dormitory complex on the Baglica Campus offers medical service to the students 24 hours a day on a free of charge basis....