Quiz for Chapter 14 (Final Exam)

Don't continue if you have not yet understand the lesson

Time : 30 min for number 1 to 3

  1. Make a function to detect whether it is a text file or not. Return true if it does.
  2. Make a simulation for dir command in DOS.
  3. Make a simulation for copy command in DOS.

This number : 3 hours.

Modify your database in chapter 9 so that it can safe data into disk. All features remains the same, except :

  1. Re-design your menu as pull-down menu.
  2. Your program has File menu, that has options :
    New, Save, Load, Save As, and Exit
  3. Make a security option, i.e. input passwords before entering.
    User can modify the password as they like.

This number : 5 whole days.

Make a text editor, just like DOS that has feature :

  1. Pull-down menu.
  2. File menu MUST have : New, Save, Load, Save As, and Exit.
  3. You may limit the maximum number of lines that can be edited : 500 lines.
  4. You MUST provide at least 4 Edit functions : Cut, Copy, Paste, and Clear.
  5. You MUST provide the shortcut keys for each menu.
  6. You MUST provide at least 3 Search functions : Find, Find-and-Replace, and Repeat.
  7. You MUST warn user if their files hasn't been saved when quitting or loading other file.

This number : 1 hour.

Modify your Space Invader so that it could save top 10 high scorer.

Challenge : 10 days

Make a file manager or Explorer. You must be able to do :

  1. Shows the directory tree, can be collapsed or expanded.
  2. Select/Unselect files.
  3. Copying, renaming, and moving single/multiple selected files and directory.
  4. Change, create, and remove directory
  5. Deleting files and directories (like deltree).
  6. Perform a Hexadecimal view of any selected file.
  7. Sort filenames according : name, extension, date/time of creation and filesize.
  8. Can display files of certain attribute. User is asked what attribute does he/she want to view at.
  9. Perform an error handler so that whenever error occurs, it just never quits, but asked user what to do (Retry, Ignore or Cancel).

Formatting disks will be discussed in lesson 2, so don't bother doing it.

That's all folks ! Good luck !

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By : Roby Joehanes, © 1997, 2000