Quiz for Chapter 10

Have you read the lesson ?

Time : 30 min each

  1. Change your space invader game into enumerated types, i.e. :
    enemy = (robot, alien, ufo); etc...
  2. Change your poker or black jack game into enumerated types :
    turf = (spade, heart, club, diamond);
    numbers = (two, three, ... , jack, queen, king, ace);

Note :
Changing your program doesn't mean you must alter all of the logic ! If you have designed the program carefully, you only make a little alteration. I intend this to build up your program design skill.

Challenge : 3 days

Make a pac-man game, using your own random number generator. You have 4 ghosts in the game, player has 5 lives. It has a super bullet that makes ghosts eatable. Just like a normal pac-man. You must record the highest score, but not in file (since I haven't taught you yet). Hint :

Make this as interesting as possible.

That's all !

Where to go ?

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Advance to chapter 11, about sets.
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By : Roby Joehanes, © 1997, 2000