Quiz for Chapter 9

Now, I assume all of you understand the theory. I hate theorems. I'm sure you do too. Therefore, from now one, I will give you practical quizzes only. Theory quiz will be given ONLY if I feel it is necessary.

(150 minutes)

  1. Make a database. The record tag, TStudent consists of these fields :
    Quiznumber, from 1 to 100
    Midtestnumber, from 1 to 100
    Finaltestnumber, from 1 to 100
    User could : You must : Tip : Use array of records.
    If you are done this correctly within 100 minutes, you are superior to others. 100 to 120 minutes, you are average programmer. 120 to 150 minutes, you are slow programmer.

(40 minutes)

  1. Change your Space Invader enemy array into array of records, containing the x, y position of each enemy and whether it is died already or not.

That's all for this time.

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By : Roby Joehanes, © 1997, 2000