Curriculum Vitae


1. Name Surname: Zuhal Yeniçeri Kökdemir
2. e-mail:
3. Web site:
4. Address: Başkent University, Faculty of Science and Letters, Department of Psychology, Bağlıca Kampusu, Eskişehir Yolu 18. km. 06790 Etimesgut Ankara
5. Phone: +90 312 246 66 66 / 2028

6. Education:
PhD, Social Psychology, Middle East Technical University - Ankara (2006 - 2013)
MA, Social Psychology, Ankara University - Ankara (2004 - 2006)
Science Prep., Psychology, Ankara University - Ankara (2003 - 2004)
BA, Political Science and International Relations, Başkent University - Ankara (1999 - 2003)

7. Academic / Teaching Experience
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Başkent University (Mar 2014 - )
Lecturer, Department of Psychology, Başkent University (Feb 2012 - Feb 2014)
Research Assistant, Department of Psychology, Başkent University (Mar 2009 - Jan 2012)
Graduate Scholar, Department of Psychology, Başkent University (Aug 2008 - Mar 2009)
Graduate Scholar, Critical - Creative Thinking and Behavioral Research Laboratory (Feb 2004 - Aug 2008)

8. Publications

8.1. Publications in International Peer – Reviewed Journals (SCI/SSCI/AHCI)
Hisli Şahin, N. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2015). Farkındalık üzerine üç araç: Psikolojik Farkındalık, Bütünleyici Kendilik Farkındalığı ve Toronto Bilgece Farkındalık Ölçekleri (Three assessment scales on awareness: Psychological Mindedness, Integrative Self Knowledge and Toronto Trait Mindfulness Scales). Türk Psikoloji Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Psychology), 30(76), 48-67.
2. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2010). Terror management in a predominantly Muslim country: The effects of mortality salience on university identity and on preference for the development of international relations. European Psychologist, 15(3), 165-174.
3. Yeniçeri, Z. & Dönmez, A. (2008). Terör ve terörist algısı: Silahı kimin tuttuğu ne kadar önemli? (Perception of terrorism and terrorist: How important who holds the gun?). Türk Psikoloji Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Psychology), 23(62), 93-107.
4. Yeniçeri, Z. & Kökdemir, D. (2006). University students' perceptions of and explanations for infidelity: The development of the infidelity questionnaire (INFQ). Social Behavior and Personality, 34(6), 639-650.

8.2. Publications in National Peer – Reviewed Journals
1. Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Dehşet Yönetimi Kuramı ve iş yaşamı (Terror Management Theory and work life). İş ve İnsan Dergisi (The Journal of Human and Work), 3(1), 43-52.
2. Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). İş yaşamında cinsiyetçiliğin kökenleri: Lilith, Lucy ve Ardi (The roots of sexism on work life: Lilith, Lucy and Ardi). Mesleki Sağlık ve Güvenlik Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Occupational Health and Safety), 57, 13-18.

8.3. Book Chapters
1. Hisli Şahin, N., Kökdemir, D., Pekel Uludağlı, N., Kadıhasanoğlu, D., & Yeniçeri, Z. (2014). Davranış (Behavior). In A. Halıcı & M. Toprak, (Ed.), Hukuk uyuşmazlıklarında arabuluculuk (Mediation in alternative dispute resolution) (p. 90-123). Ankara: Türkiye Barolar Birliği Yayınları.

8.4. Booklets
1. Eldoğan, D., Korkmaz, L., Yeniçeri, Z., & Kökdemir, D. (2017). Publication manual for academic reports (5th Ed.). Ankara: Başkent University. [PDF 2MB]
2. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (Ed.). (2017). Proceedings of Papers of 1st Social Psychology Congress. Ankara: Başkent University. [PDF 82MB]
Eldoğan, D., Korkmaz, L., Helvacı, E., Yeniçeri, Z., & Kökdemir, D. (2015). Publication manual for academic reports (4th Ed.). Ankara: Başkent University.
4. Çırakoğlu, O. C., Yeniçeri, Z., Kökdemir, D., Demirutku, K., Muratoğlu, B., Işın, G., & Sayın, P. (2011). Publication manual for academic reports (3rd Ed.). Ankara: Başkent University.
5. Demirutku, K., Okay, N. C., Yaman, A., Kıvanç, E., Muratoğlu, B., & Yeniçeri, Z. (2005). Statistical formulas and tables. Ankara: Başkent University. [PDF 2.69MB]
6. Kökdemir, D., Demirutku, K., Çırakoğlu, O. C., Işın, G., Muratoğlu, B., & Yeniçeri, Z. (2004). Publication manual for academic reports (2nd Ed.). Ankara: Başkent University.

8.5. Proceedings Presented in International Congresses
1. Yeniçeri, Z., Korkmaz, L., & Kökdemir, D. (2015). An existential alliance of Byronic and “Lilithian” heroes. International Conference on Knowledge and Politics in Gender and Women’s Studies, 9-11 October, Ankara - Turkey.

8.6. Papers Presented in International Congresses (Oral Presentations)
1. Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). (R)evolution of women: From Lucy to Katrina. In Z. Yeniçeri (Chair), Panel: Gender plasticity: Gender roles from neurons to society. Languages, Cultures and Gender: II. Literature and Cultural Studies Conference, 11-13 May, Ege University, İzmir - Turkey.
2. Çırakoğlu, O. C., Korkmaz, L., Öztop, P., & Yeniçeri, Z. (2014). The role of perceived dangerousness in perception of mental disorders and other deviant behaviors: A multidimensional scaling study. 3rd European Conference on Mental Health, 10-12 September, Tallinn - Estonia.
3. Yeniçeri, Z. & Kökdemir, D. (2010). The effects of mortality salience on preference for the development of international relations. XX. Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 7-10 July, Melborne - Australia.
4. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2010). The social psychology of heroism: A positive deviance in the search for immortality. XX. Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, 7-10 July, Melborne - Australia.
5. Yeniçeri, Z. (2007). Perception of terror and terrorist: How important who holds the gun? Xth European Congress of Psychology, 3-6 July, Prague, Czech Republic.

8.7. Papers Presented in International Congresses (Poster Presentations)
1. Yeniçeri, Z. & İmamoğlu, E. O. (2014). Mediating roles of meaning in life, death and religiosity on relationship between self and well-being. 17th EASP General Meeting, 9-12 July, Amsterdam - Netherlands.
2. Yeniçeri, Z., Karagöz, B., & Kökdemir, D. (2007). The “fat” – “skinny” variable in the evaluation of “other”. Xth European Congress of Psychology, 3-6 July, Prague, Czech Republic.

8.8. Proceedings Presented in National Congresses
1. Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). 10 yıl önce 10 yıl sonra: Terörizm ve terörist algısı (A decade comparison: Terrorism and perception of terrorist). Proceedings of 1st Social Psychology Congress, 21-29. Ankara: Başkent University.

8.9. Papers Presented in National Congresses (Oral Presentations)
1. Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). Mitler, masallar, bilim kurgu ve mitoloji (Myths, tales, science fiction, and mythology). 21. National Psychology Students Congress, 5-8 August, Çağ University, Mersin - Turkey.
Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Kadının ikincilliği gerçek mi kurgu mu? (The social position of women). Gender Workshop, 5-6 September, Hacettepe University, Ankara - Turkey.
2. Korkmaz, L. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Lilith’in sosyal temsili üzerinden cinsiyetçiliği anlamak (Understanding sexism through social representation of Lilith). XIX. National Psychology Congress, 5-7 September, İzmir - Turkey.
3. Us, E. Ö., Korkmaz, L., Yeniçeri, Z., & Kökdemir, D. (2016). Kadınların izi(nde): Gaia, Ak Ana ve Lagertha (Traces of women). YBÜ Psychology Congress III, 25-27 April, National Library of Turkey, Ankara - Turkey.
4. Yeniçeri, Z. (2006). Ölüm, dehşet ve dehşet yönetimi (Death, terror, and terror management). XIV. National Psychology Congress, 6-8 September, Hacettepe University, Ankara - Turkey.
5. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2006). Sosyal bir aykırılık olarak kahramanlık kavramı: Örümcek adamlar nerede? (Heroism as a positive deviance: Where are Spidermen?). XIV. National Psychology Congress, 6-8 September, Hacettepe University, Ankara - Turkey.
6. Yeniçeri, Z. & Kökdemir, D. (2004). Duygusal ve cinsel aldatmanın yapısı (The structure of emotional and sexual infidelity). XIII. National Psychology Congress, 7-11 September, Bilgi University, İstanbul - Turkey.
7. Yeniçeri, Z. & Kökdemir, D. (2004). Futbolda şiddet ve fanatizm (Football violence and hooliganism). 9th National Psychology Students Congress, 30 June - 4July 2004, Uludağ University, Bursa - Turkey.
8. Kökdemir, D., Okay, N. C., Yeniçeri, Z., & Çöl, B. (2004). Unutulan risk deprem: Risk algısı ve yansımaları (Forgotten risk of Eartquake: Perception of risk and its reflections). 9th National Psychology Students Congress, 30 June - 4July 2004, Uludağ University, Bursa - Turkey.

8.10. Publications in Newspapers
1.Yeniçeri, Z. (12 August 2009). Tek elle kopça çözme (Sexism in pop music lyrics). HaberTurk, 20.
2. Akbaş, G. & Yeniçeri, Z. (06 June 2008). Sahte bilim, fenomen ve eleştirel düşün-me (Pseudoscience, phenomenon and critical thinking). Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik, 22(1107), 2.
3. Yeniçeri, Z. (2005). Pornografinin sosyal psikolojik boyutları (Social psychological perspectives on pornography). Türk Psikoloji Bülteni (Turkish Psychological Bulletin), 11(36), 65-68.
4. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (25 November 2004). Futbol terörü ve terör yönetimi: Sembolik ölümler - gerçek cinayetler (Football terror and terror management: Symbolic deaths - real murders). Radikal, 11.
5. Yeniçeri, Z. & Kökdemir, D. (2004). Tencere dibin kara (The pot calling the kettle back). Radikal İki, 419, 7.
6. Yeniçeri, Z. & Kökdemir, D. (2004). Aldatıyorum... mazeretim var (I’m cheating: I have an excuse). Radikal İki, 416, 6.
7. Yeniçeri, Z. (2003). Aileme bilim insanı olduğumu söylemeyin! (Do not tell my family that I’m a scientist). Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknik, 17(875), 12.

9. Academic and Professional Studies
1. Member, Organizing Committee and Advisory Board of “1st Social Psychology Congress”, Başkent University Department of Psychology, (17-19 November 2016).
2. Member, Organizing Committee and Advisory Board of “Psychology and Art Symposium V”, Başkent University Department of Psychology, (13-14 October 2016).
3. Member, Organizing Committee of “Winter School VII - Myths, Tales and Psychology”, Başkent University Department of Psychology, (25-27 January 2017).
4. Member, Organizing Committee of “Winter School VI – Three Colors of Self: Grey, Blue, Red”, Başkent University Department of Psychology, (27-29 January 2016).
5. Member, Academic Advisory Board of Turkish Journal of Psychology, Turkish Psychological Association, (2013-present).
6. Technical Editor and Coordinator, Turkish Journal of Psychology, Turkish Psychological Association, (2006-2016).
7. Technical Editor and Coordinator, Turkish Psychological Articles, Turkish Psychological Association, (2007-2016).
8. Guest Lecturer, ERASMUS+ Academic Staff Mobility Program, Charles University / Univerzita Karlova Department of Psychology, Czech Rebublic - Prague, (2-10 May 2015).
9. Faculty Committee Member, Başkent University Faculty of Science and Letters, (2015-present).
10. ERASMUS+ Program Departmental Coordinator, Başkent University Department of Psychology, (2015-present).
11. Member, Organizing Committee of “Winter School V - Consciousness and Its Boundaries: W. James, S. Freud, S. T. Coleridge, A. Huxley and Others”, Başkent University Department of Psychology, (28-30 January 2015).
12. Member, Organizing Committee of “Winter School IV – On the Deck of HMS Beagle: Discussions on Psychology, Cognitive Sciences and Neuropsychology”, Başkent University Department of Psychology, (29-31 January 2014).
13. Member, Organizing Committee of “Winter School III – Meaning of Life or Search for Meaning in Life”, Başkent University Department of Psychology, (28-30 January 2013).
14. Member, Organizing Committee of “Winter School II – Creative Thinking”, Başkent University Department of Psychology, (1-3 February 2012).
15. Member, Organizing Committee of “Winter School I – Search for Existential Meaning”, Başkent University Department of Psychology, (25-27 January 2011).
16. Technical Editor, Turkish Psychological Bulletin, Turkish Psychological Association, (2006-2009).
17. Member, Academic Advisory Board of PiVOLKA, Başkent University Department of Psychology Critical - Creative Thinking and Behavioral Research Laboratory, (2017-present).
18. Chief Editor of PiVOLKA, (The Bulletin of Critical - Creative Thinking & Behavioral Research Laboratory), Başkent University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, (2004-2016).
19. Assistant Editor of PiVOLKA (The Bulletin of Critical - Creative Thinking & Behavioral Research Laboratory), Başkent University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, (2002-2004).
20. Project Assistant, Social Psychology “University Students’ Perceptions of and Explanations for Emotional and Sexual Infidelity” (with Doğan Kökdemir), Başkent University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, (2002-2003).
21. Teaching Assistant, Political Psychology (SIBU 340), Başkent University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, (2002-2003).
22. Teaching Assistant, Social Psychology (SIBU 330), Başkent University, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, (2002-2003).

10. Trainings
Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). Stress management and communication skills. Improving Social Dialogue Capacity of Social Partners in Public Communications Services in Turkey (EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance Project No: TR2013.0119.03.01-02/03), 30 October, PTT Headquarters, Ankara - Turkey.
Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). Work psychology. Education Staff Development Training Program, 30 March, Bursa - Turkey.
3. Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). Social psychology of suicide bombing. Defense Against Suicide Bombing Course, 20-24 February, NATO Centre of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism, Ankara - Turkey.
4. Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Management of intragroup relations. HACKATHON: Health and social entrepreneurship, 2-3 December, Başkent University EKİN Incubation Center, Ankara - Turkey.
5. Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Social psychology of suicide bombing. Defense Against Suicide Bombing Course, 15-19 February, NATO Centre of Excellence Defense Against Terrorism, Ankara - Turkey.
6. Yeniçeri, Z. (2013-2016). Social influence, personality ana decision-making. Mediation in Civil Disputes Training Program. Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Ankara.
7. Yeniçeri, Z. (2013-2016). Social problem solving, communication and stress. Mediation in Civil Disputes Training Program. Union of Turkish Bar Associations, Ankara.
8. Yeniçeri, Z. (2009). Seminar for Western Thrace Turkish women. Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry General Directorate on the Status and Problems of Women, 3 November, Başkent Öğretmenevi, Ankara - Turkey.
9. Yeniçeri, Z. (2009). Psychological characteristics of adolescences. Başkent University Directorate of Dormitories, 28 January, Başkent University Dormitories, Ankara - Turkey.
10. Kökdemir, D., Çırakoğlu, O. C., & Yeniçeri, Z. (2003-2004). Psychoeducation for Turkey A National Men’s Handball Team. Turkish Handball Federation, Ankara.

11. Seminars and Conferences
1. Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). Sex and sexual dimorphism. In Z. Yeniçeri (Chair), Panel: Sex and disadvantage groups. Sinop Bar Seminars, 3 June, Sinop Bar - Sinop.
2. Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). Myths, tales ve female heroes. TPÖÇG Ankara PSİFEST '17, 14 May, Yılmaz Güney Stage - Ankara.
Yağcı, Ö., Kökdemir, D., & Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). Communication and social influence. Sinop Bar Seminars, 25 April, Sinop - Turkey.
4. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). The worth of trust and security from the Middle Earth to the Westworld. 9. METU Psychology Days, 18 March, METU, Ankara - Turkey.
5. Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). Biological and psychological aspects of sex and gender. Turkish Air Force Command 8 March Women’s Day Conference, 8 March, Turkish Air Force Command Headquarter, Ankara - Turkey.
6. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). Tales of personal development educations. Başkent University Private Ayşeabla Schools Conferences, 18 February, Ankara - Turkey.
7. Yeniçeri, Z. (2017). Anthropological roots of religions and. VII. Winter School: Myths, Tales and Psychology, 25-27 January, Başkent University, Ankara - Turkey.
8. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Woman, man and love throughout. Ankara Family Counselors Association Seminars, 25 November, Ankara - Turkey.
9. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Brain thinks critically. Internship Training Center Seminars, 5 November, Isparta Bar Av. Fatma Sevük Conference Hall - Turkey.
10. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Mythlogy and woman: From Lilith to Khaleesi. CerEdebiyat Mythology Talks, 25 September, CerModern Ankara - Turkey.
11. Kökdemir, D., Gevrekci, A., & Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Psychology and neuropsychology of the Zombie World. Ankara University Psychology Students Club Seminars, 9 March, Ankara University - Turkey.
12. Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Byronic and Lilithian heroes and sexism. 8. METU Psychology Days, 5 March, METU, Ankara - Turkey.
13. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Love is different in February (Şubatta aşk başkadır). TED University PDR Students Day, 20 February, TED University, Ankara - Turkey.
14. Yeniçeri, Z. (2016). Modern apes, archaic homo and the self. VI. Winter School: Three Colors of the Self, 27-29 January, Başkent University, Ankara - Turkey.
15. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2015). Human relations: Women and men. Başkent University Private Ayşeabla Schools Conferences, 26 December, Ankara - Turkey.
16. Yeniçeri, Z. (2015). Byronik - Lilithian heroes and sexism. Başkent Psikoloji ile 42 Dakika Seminerleri (42 Minutes Seminars with Başkent Psychology), 23 October, Başkent University Faculty of Science and Letters, Ankara - Turkey.
17. Kökdemir, D., Çırakoğlu, O. C., & Yeniçeri, Z. (2015). Social psychological perspectives on terrorism. In D. Kökdemir (Chair), Conference: Terror, terrorism and trauma. Başkent University Prof. Dr. İhsan Doğramacı Conference Hall, 12 October, Ankara - Turkey.
18. Yeniçeri, Z. (2015). Political psychology and death. In D. Kökdemir (Chair), Panel: Game of Thrones - Who has the right to sit on the iron throne? Psychology in the shadows of swords and dragons. METU Science Days, 17 May, Middle East Technical University, Ankara - Turkey.
19. Yeniçeri, Z. (2015). Political psychology and death. Panel: Game of Thrones - Who Has the Right to Sit on the Iron Throne? Psychology in the Shadows of Swords and Dragons, 10 April, Başkent University, Ankara - Turkey.
20. Yeniçeri, Z. (2015). What is terrorism and who is terrorist? Individuals’ perception of terrorism and terrorisr. Mersin University Psychology Club 7. Psychology Days, 26 March, Mersin - Turkey.
21. Yeniçeri, Z. (2015). Social psychological perspectives on terrorism: Whose terrorist? Psychology Conferences: Political Psychology and Societal Problems, 19 Fabruary, Ankara University, Ankara - Turkey.
22. Yeniçeri, Z. (2015). The conscious and the self. V. Winter School: The Conscious and It’s Limits - W. James, S. Freud, S. T. Coleridge, A. Huxley, and Others, 28-30 January, Başkent University - Ankara.
23. Yeniçeri, Z. (2014). Evolutionary social psychology. Panel: Neuro-Psychological Characteristics of Zombies and An Evolutionary Approach to the Zombie World, 10 October, Başkent University - Ankara.
24. Yeniçeri, Z. (2014). Personal identity: Self. Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, 2nd EU Youth Forum: Identities and Rights, 9-11 April, Erzurum - Turkey.
25. Yeniçeri, Z. (2014). Personal identity: Self. Delegation of the European Union to Turkey, 2nd EU Youth Forum: Identities and Rights, 1-3 April, Samsun - Turkey.
26. Yeniçeri, Z. (2014). Yali asks, Diamond answers. Başkent University Faculty of Science and Letters Seminars, 28 March, Ankara - Turkey.
27. Yeniçeri, Z. (2014). The self from politics to psychology. Uludağ University Department of Psychology Seminars, 21 March, Bursa - Turkey.
28. Yeniçeri, Z. (2014). Violence against women. International Women’s Day Panel, Başkent University Centre for Strategic Research, 8 March, Ankara - Turkey.
29. Yeniçeri, Z. (2014). Biological diversity: (R)evolution. IV. Winter School: On the Deck of HMS Beagle / Discussions on Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, and Neuropsychology, 29-31 January, Başkent University, Ankara - Turkey.
30. Yeniçeri, Z. (2014). Hominins and behavioral modernity. IV. Winter School: On the Deck of HMS Beagle / Discussions on Psychology, Cognitive Sciences, and Neuropsychology, 29-31 January, Başkent University, Ankara - Turkey.
31. Yeniçeri, Z. (2013). The self, meaning in life and well-being. Başkent Psikoloji ile 42 Dakika Seminerleri (42 Minnutes Seminars with Başkent Psychology), 20 December, Başkent University Faculty of Science and Letters, Ankara - Turkey.
32. Yeniçeri, Z. (2013). Kadının toplumsal yükü ve biyolojik üstünlüğü (Evolutionary advantages of woman). Social and Biological Characteristics of Women and Misogyny, 7 March, Gazi University Health Research and Application Center, Ankara - Turkey.
33. Kökdemir, D. & Yeniçeri, Z. (2012). “Beauty” and “ugliness” in the eye of women and men. Başkent University Faculty of Science and Letters Seminars, 2 November, Ankara - Turkey.
34. Yeniçeri, Z. (2011). Infidelity in close relationships. Başkent University Faculty of Science and Letters Seminars, 9 December, Ankara - Turkey.

12. Memberships of Professional Associations
Member, Society for Personality and Social Psychology (2016 - present)
2. Coordinator, Başkent University Social Psychology Laboratory (2014 - present)
3. Member, Turkish Psychological Association (2003 - present)
4. Member, Critical - Creative Thinking & Behavioral Research Laboratory, (2000 - present)

13. Courses Taught

13.1. Undergraduate Courses
1. General Psychology
2. Introduction to Psychology
3. Social Psychology I
4. Social Psychology II
5. Close Relationships
6. Social Anthropology
7. Critical Thinking
8. Creative Psychology Studies
9. Philosophy and Critical Thinking
10. Behavioral Sciences
11. Social Perception and Cognition
. Ethical Standards
13. Group Behavior
14. Psychology of Terror and Terrorism
15. Psychology of Self

13.2. Graduate Courses
1. Evolutionary Social Psychology (Experimental Social Psychology Master Program)
2. Social Influence and Attitude Change (Experimental Social Psychology Master Program)
3. Work Psychology and Human Relations (Human Resources Management Master Program)