Pascal Lesson 3 Contents

Updated 24th February 2001


If you focus on OOP methodologies and examples, I suggest you to go through the chapters sequentially from 1 to 12. You may want to review chapter 5 and 6 and Turbo Vision (7 to 12) before getting to chapter 13. You compare the application vis-a-vis to the one designed in chapter 6.

Four more chapters to go. I may change the chapter contents. It's not final yet.

Chapter 1 -- Object Oriented Programming Philosophy Part 1
Here we talk about the concepts of encapsulation, the very basic construct of an object, and "public" and "private" stuff.

Chapter 2 -- Object Oriented Programming Philosophy Part 2
Here we talk about the concept of constructor and destructor.

Chapter 3 -- Object Oriented Programming Philosophy Part 3
Now we move on to the concept of inheritance, method overloading, and protected keyword.

Chapter 4 -- Object Oriented Programming Philosophy Part 4
Going on virtual functions, abstract classes, and polymorphism.

Chapter 5 -- Linked List in OOP
An example on how to make a linked list in Pascal OOP.

Chapter 6 -- Simple Address Book in OOP
An example to make an address book application in pure Pascal OOP. (Not yet)

Chapter 7 -- Turbo Vision Tutorial Part 1
It's about the basics on Turbo Vision, including creating custom menu bar and status line. Also discusses the way to handle commands and/or events.

Chapter 8 -- Turbo Vision Tutorial Part 2
We discuss things on adding Windows, editor window, file dialogs, and clipboards.

Chapter 9 -- Turbo Vision Tutorial Part 3
This time, we will add save capability by employing streams. We also peek into resources and how to shell to DOS.

Chapter 10 -- Turbo Vision Tutorial Part 4
After adding windows, we will examine on how should we add dialogs on our program.

Chapter 11 -- Turbo Vision Tutorial Part 5
About collections and modifying ordinary data structures to streamable.

Chapter 12 -- Turbo Vision Tutorial Part 6
About extending objects for our custom elements.

Chapter 13 -- Address Book in Turbo Vision
The same example in chapter 5, but using Turbo Vision help. (Not yet, may change as this is may take a lot of time to write)

Chapter 14 -- Interrupt Handling
A bit of overture to interrupt handling in Pascal. (Not yet)

Chapter 15 -- Using WinCrt
A mild tutorial on Windows programming using WinCrt. (Not yet)

This time, I've got no quizzes to you. You're pretty mature in programming. :-) However, if you want to write me, please do so. Suggestions, critics, and corrections are welcome!

If you want to write me, go ahead, but make sure you check the FAQ.

I'm sorry but I HAVE to mention this:


The tutorial is distributed "AS IS". The author is NOT liable for any damage caused by any parts of this tutorial. The entire risk is assumed to be user's. The damage is assumed to be user's fault and/or user's disability to use the tutorial. By entering any directory, user agrees to be bound in this agreement.

Sorry folks. But I am sure that this code works. I've tested it. Should any bug arise, write me.

Now, where to go?

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